-You're good
-You're faithful
- You love me
- You died for me
- You know what's best
- You are God
What does it mean to surrender?
To yield to another, give up, abandon
As I sit here listening to 'Surrender' the verse that's so convicting is ' I'm giving you my dreams i'm laying down
my rights, i'm giving up my pride for the promise of new life'
Why does my life seems so unbearable sometimes?
Why is it seem to be the same and boring?
Because I fail to do give God everything.
I want to fulfill my dreams, the things I've been putting my hope in, I want my life to be the way that I plan it out.
See that- MY LIFE.
Weird because I thought I gave my life to Him when I became a christian.
Luke 9:23
'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'
In the New Testament this phrase is used over and over again.
It's very important to realize that this isn't a one time thing; it's daily.
That means everyday I wake up and give God my day- surrender my hopes, my dreams, etc.
And as I do that, He begins to change my life into His story through me.
It all starts with surrendering to Him.